Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mercedes Sosa Luna

I was never afraid of anything,
or silence, or of pain
and if I was lonely
was enough imagination.
But for a while
something happens inside me;
I do not get to be the same,
I mastered the contradiction.
Moon give me inspiration for an instant
and planting thousand stars in the air,
I want to win her heart.
Moon Bring the warmth of my words
and drink distance light
I need to see it please.
I always walked that day,
no's take a look back;
convinced presumed
of owning my will.
And now I sit here
writing a song
madly in love
desojando words of love.
Moon give me inspiration for an instant
and planting thousand stars in the air,
I want to win her heart.
Moon Bring the warmth of my words
and drink distance light
I need to see it please.